our history
A Club That Has Withstood The Test Of Time

left Malcom Greig, Secretary-Treasurer middle, Jesse V. Garcia, President right, Julius Witsky, Vice President
credits to Chip Chats Magazine
AAWC was founded in 1974
Thirty two persons attended the organizational meeting forming the San Antonio, Texas, chapter of the NWCA. The group elected officers and chose the name Alamo Area Wood Carvers.
Jesse V. Garcia, well known professional carver was elected president; Julius Witzky, vice president, Malcolm Greg, secretary-treasurer.
Monthly meetings will be held on the third Tuesday and chapter dues were set at $2.50 per year.
Organizers of the chapter were delighted with the interest generated when the report of the initial meeting was published in the press – about 35 persons ranging from rank beginners to pros. expressed the willingness to join the group. Many of them previously believed there were no other carvers in the area.
The newly formed chapter aims to assist members in every way and to bring the carver’s art to the attention of the general public through exhibitions and demonstrations.
Further information about the Alamo Area Wood Carvers may be had by contacting Jesse Garcia, at the Woodcarvers shop, 600 Hemisfair Plaza
credits to Chip Chats Magazine